QWKE Specifications 1.02

(also known as EQWK - pronounced Quicky, and E-quick respectively)
Copyright 1994-1997, Peter Rocca

This documentation may be freely used to enhance/create 1st, 2nd or 3rd party applications or utilities without any legal obligation to the author. Please do not extend or further the QWKE without contacting Pete Rocca, in order to keep the standard from becoming a ‘non-standard’. - Thank you.

The only differences to the standard QWK format lay in four files.

conference area names are no longer limited to 13 characters, they are limited to 255 characters now.
contains additional CONTROLTYPE names.
a file created by the door that contains additional information for the reader.
a file created by the reader that contains additional information for the door.

In addition, certain kludge lines should be imported to messages when downloading, if their length exceeds 25 characters.

These kludges are…


…they should be at the top of the message, and terminated by either a carriage return, or the ‘π’ QWK terminator. At the end of the last imported kludge, there should be a blank line, however you should program to handle if one is not present. Additional kludge names can be created, but your reader/door should at least handle these three.

Also, the kludge lines To/Subject should be imported into the message fields when posting the messages (uploading). The From kludge can be accepted, but remember to check the security of it (ie make sure that the name is allowed, ie alias base, etc). Also, regarding the To: kludge… keep in mind that UUCP software likes the To: line left in the first line of a message, therefore it should not be removed from the message if this message is destined to be sent through an UUCP gateway.

A sample message with kludge lines might look like:

     1       10        20   25
SUBJ:This is a test of the sys                       <--- HEADER
     Subject: This is a test of the system, as you can see!
     <blank line>
     The real message starts here now, but it was short, so
     see you later.

As you can see, only the To/Subject lines were imported, since the From line did not exceed the 25 character limit.

One common question is NETMAIL? How do you do it? A standard that I would suggest is the “Subject line method” which is simply an “at” symbol, followed by the full netmail address. For example to send mail to Pete Rocca at 1:2401/305.200, the message header would look like this:

Sb: @1:2401/305.200

How about internet mail?

Well, internet mail going out a fido gateway would simply be a netmail message with a To: <address> on the first line. It is up to the mail door not to import a “To:” kludge when sending internet netmail mail. For example (Fido->Internet):

Sb: @1:1/31
To: support@mbcc.com
Subject: Hello there

A regular internet message would simply be a regular message, but with a “To” kludge to avoid the 25 character limit in the To field. For example (regular Internet):

To: INTERNET                         <--- this gets replaced on import
Sb: Hello there
To: support@mbcc.com

Of course, as a door or reader author, you can make this completely transparent to the user.


This file is simply an ASCII text file that is included in the QWK packet, and contains information used by the QWK reader (created by the mail door).

Each line has an identifier, followed by the relevant information for the extended information. (Arguments in < > are required, and ones in [ ] are optional.)

ALIAS     <users' alias name>
AREA      <conference#> <settings>
BULL      <filename> <description>
ATTACH    <filename> <conference#> <message#>
FILE      <filename> [description]
KEYWORD   <keyword>
FILTER    <filter>
TWIT      <twit>

Identifier: ALIAS <users' alias name>

This simply passes the users’ alias name to the door in order to be able to present it to the user when entering mail in ‘alias’ areas.

An example would be: ALIAS Rawhide

Identifier: AREA <conference#> <settings>

This presents a list of selected areas (or all areas optionally), and what the flag settings for each area are. The <conference#> is the number of the area that is selected and the <settings> contains the flags for that area.

The possible flags are:

Flag Description
a for all messages
p for personal messages
g for general messages (personal and those addressed to ‘ALL’)

In addition, some mail doors can add the following flags (this information is set by the mail door itself, and overrides and standard BBS settings):

Flag Description
w if this area should include mail written by themselves
k if this area should be included in keyword searches
f if this area should be included in filter exclude searches
F if this area is forced to be read
B if this area is blocked from getting replies

In further addition, area information should be given - this information is gathered from the BBS records:

Flag Description
P if the area is private mail only
O if the area is public mail only
X if either private or public mail is allowed
R if the area is read-only (no posting at all allowed)
Z if the area doesn’t allow replies (no continuation of thread)
L if the area is a local message area
N if the area is a netmail area
E if the area is an echomail area
I if the area is an internet area
U if the area is an newsgroup area
H if the area is an handles only message area
A if the area allows messages ‘from’ any name (pick-an-alias)
& area allows file attaches (doesn’t override CONTROLTYPE=ALLOWATTACH)

Again, the door should enforce security to messages with private flags and/or different names to ensure that they are allowed.

For example, if a user had 4 areas selected, it might look like this:

AREA 23 awOU
AREA 44 pkPN&
AREA 172 gwkfPI

…please note that the flags ARE case sensitive, and any unknown flags should be ignored.

Identifier: BULL <filename> <description>

This is a way of describing the bulletins a little better than the file name BLT-x.y method. The actual files should still be in the BLT-x.y format to ensure backward compatibility, but by describing the filenames here, you can have something like looks like:

    - System Stats
    - Top Users
    - Contest galore!

Instead of:

    - BLT-1.4
    - BLT-3.2
    - BLT-6.1

In this example, the TOREADER.EXT file would have three lines added to create these descriptions:

BULL BLT-1.4 System Stats
BULL BLT-3.2 Top Users
BULL BLT-6.1 Contest galore!

Identifier: ATTACH <filename> <conference#> <message#>

This is a method used to identify which messages have files attached that were downloaded with the packet. It is up to the mail door to decide whether or not to send attached files; this is simply a method for the reader to recognize such files.

For an example: Say that message number 782 in conference 12 had the file TEST.ZIP attached to it, and the mail door included this TEST.ZIP file in the BOARDID.QWK archive. The TOREADER.EXT file would have the follow entry to let the mail reader know about this file:


Identifier: FILE <filename> [description]

This is a method used to identify which files in the QWK archive are file requests from the bulletin board. It is up to the mail door to decide whether or not to send these requested files, and this is simply a method for the reader to recognize such files.

For an example: Say that the file GOODGAME.ARJ was requested and added to the BOARDID.QWK archive. When the mail reader expanded it, it would not know which files had been requested by the user, nor what the description of those files were. Using the FILE identifier, the reader can easily present a nice listing of requested files, rather than having to guess at the file names, and having no idea of the description (although the description is optional). In the GOODGAME.ARJ example, the mail door should add the following line to the TOREADER.EXT file:

FILE GOODGAME.ARJ This is a great new SVGA action game!



Identifier: KEYWORD <data>, FILTER <data>, TWIT <data>

These identifiers are for mail doors that can process keywords, filters and twit listings. It is used only to inform the mail reader of the settings used, in order to make offline configuration much easier for the user. For example, if the TOREADER.EXT file had the following lines…

FILTER hacking
TWIT Death Wizard

…then the mail reader could present a list of these settings and allow changes to be made to them, and create the proper TODOOR.EXT lines to alter the configuration.


This file is simply an ASCII text file that is included in the QWK packet, and contains information used by the QWK mail door (created by the mail reader). It must be read back and processed by the door.

Each line has an identifier, followed by the relevant information for the extended information. (Arguments in < > are required, and ones in [ ] are optional.)

AREA      <conference#> <settings>
RESET     <conference#> [#ofmessages]
ATTACH    <filename> <reply#>
FILE      <filename> [description]
REQUEST   <filename>
REQUEST   <conference#> <message#>
KEYWORD   [-]<keyword>
FILTER    [-]<filter>
TWIT      [-]<twit>

Identifier: AREA <conference#> <settings>

This presents a list of CHANGES areas, and what the flag settings for each area changed are. The <conference#> is the number of the area that is to be changed and the <settings> contains the flags for that area.

The possible flags are:

Flag Description
D drop area
a for all messages
p for personal messages
g for general messages (personal and those addressed to ‘ALL’)

In addition, some mail doors can add the following flags:

Flag Description
w if this area should include mail written by themselves
k if this area should be included in keyword searches
f if this area should be included in filter exclude searches

For example, if a user had changed 2 areas, it might look like this:

AREA 44 gf

Identifier: RESET <conference#> [#ofmessages]

This presents a list of pointer changes to be made. The pointers should be changed for the <conference#> given. If the [#ofmessages] is blank then the pointer should be set back to the start of the message base, otherwise it should be set back [#ofmessages] back from the end of the message base.

For example, if a user had modified 2 areas, it might look like this:

RESET 23 100

Identifier: ATTACH <filename> <reply#>

This is a method of creating messages that have files attached to them. The mail reader should pack the <filename> into the BOARDID.REP file, and add this line in the TODOOR.EXT file, which is also included in the BOARDID.REP file.

The <reply#> is the number of the message in the reply packet. For example, if the third message in the reply packet had the file ATTACHME.ZIP attached to it, the BOARDID.REP file should contain the file ATTACHME.ZIP, BOARDID.MSG and the TODOOR.EXT file. The TODOOR.EXT file would contain the line…


…within it. Note that it is up to the mail door whether or not it will allow files to be attached to messages. This is governed by the mail door inserting the line CONTROLTYPE=ALLOWATTACH in the DOOR.ID file.

Identifier: FILE <filename> [description]

This is a method of uploading files in your mail packet. These are general public files, and should be processed for credit on the bulletin board.

For example, if you included a file called GOODGAME.ZIP in your BOARDID.REP file for credit on the BBS, the mail reader should insert the line…

FILE GOODGAME.ZIP This is a great new game!

… in the TODOOR.EXT file. It is up to the mail door whether or not it accepts files to be uploaded with the mail packets. This can be detected by the CONTROLTYPE=ALLOWFILES line being added to the DOOR.ID file in the downloaded packet.

Identifier: REQUEST <filename>, REQUEST <conference#> <message#>

These are file requests, either for files on the board, or files that are attached to messages.

“REQUEST bob.zip”, would request the file BOB.ZIP from the BBS’s file collection, whereas “REQUEST 12 333”, would request the files attached to message #333 in conference #12. It is up to the door to provide security as to what can be requested.

Identifier: KEYWORD [-]<data>, FILTER [-]<data>, TWIT [-]<data>

These identifiers are for changes made to the keywords, filters and twit listings. It is used only to process CHANGES therefore if the setting “KEYWORD bob” was given, it does not mean it is the only keyword in the list, rather added to the list of keywords. To remove an entry, precede it with a minus sign (-), so an example to remove a keyword “bob” from the list of keywords would be “KEYWORD -bob”


Command Description
CONTROLTYPE=MAXKEYWORDS <#> max keywords the door can handle
CONTROLTYPE=MAXFILTERS <#> max filters the door can handle
CONTROLTYPE=MAXTWITS <#> max twits the door can handle
CONTROLTYPE=ALLOWATTACH if the door allows file attachments
CONTROLTYPE=ALLOWFILES if the door allows files to be uploaded
CONTROLTYPE=ALLOWREQUESTS if the door allows files to be requested
CONTROLTYPE=MAXREQUESTS max number of daily file requests
